Votre voiture a besoin de pneus flambant neufs ?

Ça tombe bien, on en fait gagner !

Pour jouer, rien de plus simple, suivez-nous sur Instagram @nokiantyreseurope, écrivez ‪#‎INEEDNOKIANS sur vos pneus usés et partagez la photo avec le même hashtag ! Les 18 photos qui recevront le plus de "j’aime” gagneront le jeu de pneus Nokian Tyres de votre choix.

Concurrence - Termes et Conditions


#INEEDNOKIANS Instagram competition – Europe rules

1. Rules of the competition

The purpose of this document is to clarify the rules for end users for the consumer competition “#INEEDNOKIANS” (further referred as “competition”). Those are the only rules that are applicable and mandatory for each applicant. The rules can be changed only in the way of written annexes to this document.

The organizing company
Praha 2, Riegrovy sady čp. 28, PSČ 12000, Czech Rebublic
IČ: 17046041
(Further referred only as “organizer”)

The announcer of the competition
Nokian Tyres s.r.o.
V PARKU 2336/22, 148 00 Praha 4, Czech Rebublic
IČ: 45794375
(Further referred only as “announcer”)

2. Schedule

The competition starts at 25. 04. 2016 and ends at 01. 05. 2016 23:59:59.

3. Applicant restrictions

3.1. The competition is open only to physical subjects with delivery address in Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Switzerland and France. The applicants must be at least 18 years old. Companies and persons listed under paragraph 6.8. are excluded.

3.2. An applicant can participate by creating a picture with tire painted with the word #INEEDNOKIANS and uploading it on his/her personal profile on Instagram. The post needs to be visible for general public and marked with hashtag #INEEDNOKIANS. Both organizer and announcer reserve themselves a right to decide if the participating condition was fully met. An applicant can apply with more than one post, but can always win only once.

4. The mechanic of the competition

4.1. Main prize for the competition is set of four summer or all weather tires for passenger cars manufactured by Nokian Tyres company. The winner can choose the selected dimension of the tires for his/her tires from the available product portfolio of Nokian Tyres. A maximum of 18 applicants can win the main prize. Each applicant can win only one main prize.

4.2. The mechanic for choosing the winner(s) is creative competition. After the competition ends, the organizer will select the applicant that will post best pictures. The quality of the picture for the purpose of this competition is measured by number of likes of each particular picture on the Instagram.

4.3. Any offensive or pejorative content might be rejected with no further compensation.

5. Transfer of prizes

5.1. The organizer will contact all winners through the Instagram network within 5 working days after the winners are selected and will ask them to send the desired tires dimensions and delivery addresses. The winner must reply within 5 working days. The delivery date of the prize depends on the availability of the selected products. If the selected product is not available at all, the winner must choose a different one within 5 working days after the unavailability announcement. No financial compensation is possible.

5.2. The organizer and announcer reserve themselves a right to reject any applicants that will be suspected to fraud or dishonest behavior.

5.3. If the winner refuses the prize, the organizer might pass it to other applicants or use it for any other purposes. This is also the case for any applicants that will not reply in the term given in paragraph 5.1.

5.4. Each winner must provide his/her real name and delivery address.

6. Other regulations

6.1. Neither Organizer nor Announcer is responsible for any technical difficulties and changes caused by Instagram service or Internet network.

6.2. By applying in to this competition, any applier accepts these rules without any possible exception. All limitations and duties not stated in this document are subject to legal system of the seat of Organizer country (Czech Republic).

6.3. Organizer reserves himself the right of altering or updating the rules anytime without any prior announcement as well as cancelling the whole competition at all with no refunds. The prizes might be subject to change. The change of rules will be done in form of written appendix.

6.4. Prosecution of the prizes in not acceptable. There is no guarantee on any prizes provided. Neither organizer nor announcer is responsible for any harm caused by any harm that might be caused in relation with this competition.

6.5. By entering the competition, any applicant agrees that organizer might use his/her work created for the competition without any limitations and claims for reward. Also, he/she might be subject of creating picture of audiovisual materials, that might be used for further marketing promotion of Announcer without any limitations and claims for reward. He/she also agrees that his/her real name and delivery address might be publically announced without any limitations and claims for reward.

6.6. Any applicants agree that the organizer/announcer might work with his/her personal information and use and store them for purposes of further communication and identification of financial authorities. This information might be stored for up to 5 years.

6.7. Any personal information will be stored in electronical form. Any applicant understands, that their storage and further usage is regulated by § 11, 12, 21 law number. 101/2000 Sb. Czech Republic (also known as “Law of personal information protection”). Any applicant can appeal his/her right to use data for marketing purposes anytime or ask organizer to correct them if needed.

6.8. Employees of the Announcer or Organizer are excluded from the competition. Any business legal entity is also excluded.

6.9. The Instagram network and their owners are not responsible for any commitments based on this competition. They do not partner, support, sponsor or manage this competition.

6.10. These full rules should be available on the post that announces the competition. If there is any discrepancy in the meaning of this document and shortened version announced on the Internet, this document is always preferred.


Quel est le meilleur pneu pour moi ?

En communiquant des informations sur les conditions de conduite, votre véhicule et vos habitudes de conduite, le sélecteur de pneus vous proposera les pneus les plus appropriés.